Whether you’re just getting started as a real estate agent, or you’re looking for ways to advance your career goals in 2022, there are some valuable tech tools that can help. Having the right ones makes a difference, and gives you the chance to do more with the time you have. Not only can that translate to more career opportunities, but it can help you reduce stress, as well.

Here are five “must-haves” for your career in 2022:

1. CamScanner

Take photos of documents and easily convert them to PDFs with this free app. There’s also a paid version that offers password protection, expiration dates for links to docs, and uploading automatically to linked services like Dropbox. For anyone who needs to handle documents out in the field quickly and efficiently, this is a great option that you can trust to work when needed.

2. Matterport

For realtors, having a 3D option for touring homes is a great way to get buyers interested. It’s very similar to Google Street View, but for properties instead of neighborhoods. When potential buyers can “walk through” a property online, they can get a really good idea of whether it’s something that would work for them.


Signing documents at the Realtor’s desk still happens, but not as frequently as it used to. Instead, many buyers and sellers can sign listing agreements and contracts electronically. That makes it easier for parties to a real estate transaction who aren’t in the local area, and for busy people who want to handle their signing with just a few clicks.

4. Curb Call

This app makes it easy for buyers to see properties quickly and agents to indicate whether they’re available right away. It shows requests to view properties in real time, and offers safety benefits such as a “panic button” and the ability for a brokerage to track where their agent is.

5. Your Phone

While it may seem surprising, the very best tech tool in 2022 is a smartphone! A high-end phone with all the latest features can do so much that there’s really no need for much else. All the apps and features that can be used with smartphones allow for taking information, great photos, and detailed notes for any job. While they’re still called phones, they’re really small computers that also make phone calls.

In this day and age, you can choose from a wide array of apps, cloud-based options, and technological advancements to make your career easier and more successful. If you don’t want to fall behind the competition, the right tech tools can give you the edge you need to continue developing your career in 2022 and beyond.